

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

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Town of Fairfax Selectboard Meeting Minutes

For Monday January 26, 2009

Selectboard Members present: Judy Cleary (Chair), Bill Ormerod, Charlie Swanson, Randy DeVine and Bob Horr.

Staff Members present: Don Pigeon – Highway Department and Randy DeVine Water & Sewer Dept., Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator and Donna Meunier, Town Clerk & Treasurer.

Public Present: Melissa Beerworth, Peggy Stewart, David Shea, Chris Santee, Peter Moss, Pierre Menard, Paul Murphy and Jason Hoover

1. Call to order

Judy Cleary, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Items on the Agenda

Don Pigeon – Road Foreman. Gary Stewart informed Don of the agreement between the school and town to remove snow from the school parking lots. This will be done after the cars have left the parking lot and at Don’s convenience. (An agreement was made reciprocal to the lease agreement for the use of the building by the town.) Don will keep track of his time and cost of materials.

Don checked on the woodlot in North Fairfax to see how the logging was coming along. He reported that Mr. Musiak is doing an excellent job and doing the job according to plan. The town received a check from Mr. Musiak for the wood ($3,395.47).

Don talked to Linda Bodette (Better Back Roads) regarding the conference letter for a grant. He also took Linda up to the slide on Goose Pond Road.

Don brought in two estimates for graders, one from NorTrax and one from CRW. The Board reviewed the estimates and a discussion took place:

Bill Ormerod made the motion to accept the bid from NorTrax (John Deere) - pending budget approval.

Bob seconded. All were in favor.

Randy DeVine – Chief Operator W/S Dept. Randy reported on his activities for last week. He picked up salt, gas and supplies. Snow removal was done as needed. He finished his letter for the town report and handed it in to Donna. He renewed his membership to GMWEA and signed Paul up as a member. Maurice Rathbun’s membership was canceled. Paul is signed up for the Introductory Waste Water Treatment Course in Hyde Park starting February 17.

Randy talked to Paula Jackson from VRWA in regards to one on one training for Class II water certification for Paul. (He also needs to be certified for a Class III to be able to operate the Fairfax Water System.) The tentative dates for training are April 17, 22, 24 and 29 from 8 AM to 12 PM. The exam will be held May 1st (Friday) in Waterbury. Randy gave the SB the total cost of the water repair at BFA; this did not include cost for the DI pipe. Letters received regarding delinquent water accounts were discussed. A decision was made by the Board to create a procedure policy for mailing out water cards with a target delivery date of the 1st of each quarter.

Donna Meunier – Town Clerk & Treasurer. Donna came in to discuss the Town Warning. She told the SB that the town has received state aid money and it’s effect on the budget. Donna handed in her resignation effective 1/31/09.

Charles Swanson made the motion to appoint Deborah Woodward Town Clerk to fill the remaining term of Donna Meunier. The appointment takes effect on February 1, 2009 and expires in March 2010.

Bob Horr seconded the motion.

All board members in favor.

Bob Horr made the motion to appoint Deborah Woodward Town Treasurer to fill the remaining term of Donna Meunier. The appointment takes effect February 1, 2009 and expires March 2010.

Charles Swanson seconded.

All board members in favor.

Peter Moss Mr. Moss came in to discuss Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant risks and alternatives. He handed out a pamphlet. He asked the Board’s permission to talk at Town Meeting on this subject

Pierre Menard Introduction of the Board. Mr. Menard, the owner of Steeple Market, is here to present to the Board a preliminary drawing of what he is proposing to rebuild, pending insurance, on the site after a fire ravaged his store 12/24/08. He has talked to Geoff Green. They discussed water allotments, community grants/rural division grants, development review board site plan review and fees. Pierre has been meeting with Skip Taylor, Zoning Administration who will help Pierre with the process. Pierre will send a letter to the SB with any specific requests that he may have.

3. Other Business

Bill made a motion to accept the pay schedule for 2009

Charlie seconded. 4 members in favor, 1 abstained.

Mike Leach will be using the SB room to conduct sign-ups for the upcoming Census for 2010 on 2/2 and 2/9 at 1PM

Plowing the rec. path discussed. It was decided to not plow the rec. path as it would cause damage to the blacktop as it’s not road grade blacktop.

4. Minutes

Charlie made the motion to accept the minutes of 1/19/09 as written.

Bob seconded.

All in favor.

5.Public Input

David Shea had concerns with the water/sewer department handling of delinquent accounts. He will also look into the emergency management amplifier cost for the town.

Bill made the motion to enter into executive session at 9:15 PM

Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor

Charlie made the motion to come out of executive session at 9:57 PM.

Bob seconded. All board members voted in favor.

Bob made the motion to adjourn at 10:02 PM

Bill seconded. All in favor.

The minutes respectfully submitted by Stacy Wells.


Judy Cleary, Chairperson

The minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Selectboard meeting.

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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