

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.

Town Of Fairfax Selectboard Minutes
January 18, 2010

Selectboard Members Present: Bob Horr, Bill Ormerod, John Mitchell, Charlie Swanson, and Randy DeVine

Public Present: John Foley

1. Call to Order

Bob Horr, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

2. Agenda Items

A. John Foley appeared to introduce himself and review his liquor license application. He will be re-opening what was most recently the Country Pantry. Bill motioned to approve the application, John seconded. Vote was 5-0-0.

B. Bill motioned to table all remaining agenda items which follow the Budget Changes/Updates, Charlie seconded. Vote was 5-0-0.

C. The Board reviewed last minutes changes to the budget and made necessary edits, then agreed to return to the previously tabled items.

D. The result of the Morse Building tour was that the building can not be used; however, the Board agreed to proceed with pursuing a 2 acre purchase of land for a possible well for a municipal water source.

E. The well drilling proposals were briefly discussed, then tabled for future review and discussion.

F. There was a short discussion regarding the recent energy audit of the town building, but this item will also need to be discussed following Town Meeting.

G. Bob noted the St. Albans Reservoir organization wants to begin logging their land and they are asking preliminarily for road access. The Selectboard has no issue with this; but the road would need to be returned to its previous or better condition.

3. Minutes

Bill motioned to accept the minutes of the January 2, 2010 meeting as written, Charlie seconded. Vote was 4-0-1.

Charlie motioned to accept the meeting minutes of the January 4, 2010 meeting as amended, John seconded. Brief discussion followed. Vote was 4-0-1.

4. General Business

A. The Selectboard received a letter from Ruggiano Engineering regarding Paige Estates. The letter requested permission from the Town to permit LNP, Inc. (the developer) to install a hydrant and also tap into the Town’s water line for this development which will be served by drilled wells. This is being required by VTrans. John motioned to draft a letter indicating the Town will approve LNP’s request to install a hydrant at Paige Estates, Randy seconded. Vote was 5-0-0.

B. Bob noted he had further discussions with Barbara Young regarding a possible purchase of property they own. He also had a conversation with Rob Hall at the State regarding using Goodall Street as an access to Route 104 and Rob said he would be okay with that.

C. The Board appointed, by consensus, Skip Taylor to the position of E911 Coordinator for the Town.

D. We received information from various entities regarding small grants which may be available.

5. Executive Session

Bill motioned to enter executive session without the administrative assistant present to discuss a pending legal matter at 8:46 pm, John seconded. Vote was 5-0-0. Bill motioned to exit executive session at 8:52 pm, John seconded. Vote was 5-0-0. John motioned to enter executive session to discuss a personnel issue at 8:53 pm, Randy seconded. Vote was 5-0-0. Bill motioned to exit executive session at 9:02, Randy seconded. Vote was 5-0-0.

6. Adjournment

Bill motioned to adjourn at 9:03 pm, Charlie seconded. Vote was 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by Suzanne Lavallee,

Selectboard Administrative Assistant

Robert A. Horr, Selectboard Chair

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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