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: News from Montpelier 2021 session week 11  ( 2735 )
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« : March 26, 2021, 02:30:07 PM »

The money bills including Transportation and Budget came to the House Floor this week along with a number of other bills that were debated at length.  There were six roll call votes on five bills over the course of the week. All of the bills passed third reading and were sent to the Senate. Third readings of H.360 an act relating to accelerated community broadband deployment and H.159 an act relating to community and economic development and workforce revitalization were ordered on roll call votes of 145 yea to 1 nay, and 148 yea to 0 nay respectively. Two roll call votes were ordered on H. 437 an act relating to changes that affect the revenue of the State. One was on an amendment which failed 53 yea to 94 nay and the second was on it being read a third time which passed on a vote of 95 yea to 51 nay. An amendment to H.436 an act relating to miscellaneous changes to Vermont’s tax laws failed on a vote of 21 yea to 125 nay. H.439 an act relating to making appropriations for the support of government also known as the Big Bill passed on third reading with a roll call vote of 147 yea to 0 nay.
Other bills that passed third reading and were sent to the Senate include H.313 an act relating to miscellaneous amendments to alcoholic beverage laws, H.431 an act relating to miscellaneous energy subjects, H.430 an act relating to expanding eligibility for Dr. Dynasaur to all income eligible children and pregnant individuals regardless of immigration status, H.433 an act relating to the Transportation Program and miscellaneous changes to laws related to transportation, H.152 an act relating to education property tax, H.153 an act relating to Medicaid reimbursement rates for home- and community-based service providers, H.171 an act relating to the governance and financing of Vermont’s child care system, H.183 an act relating to sexual violence, H.435 an act relating to miscellaneous Department of Corrections-related amendments, H.210 an act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system and H.438 an act relating to Capital construction and State bonding.
Time spent on committee work was again abbreviated this week due to extended Floor hours but the Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs did vote out J.R.H. 2 as well as hear a report on an amendment to H.157 an act relating to registration of construction contractors and review policy relating to the eviction moratorium.  There are five hundred and seventy bills and seventy two resolutions between the House and Senate so far this session, with fifty six of the total in General, Housing and Military Affairs.
Representative Barbara S. Murphy              bmurphy@leg.state.vt.us                                       802-849-6545
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