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Messages - Judi

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A Memorial Service to celebrate the life of Constance K. Hunziker will be held on May 20th at 1:00 pm United Church of Fairfax: 8 Fletcher Rd, Fairfax, VT Reception to follow

Current News & Events / Merry Christmas Henry & Mary Kay
« on: December 22, 2016, 11:31:04 AM »
Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas, Mark and Judi hunziker

Lost & Found Animals / Re: Lost Injured Dog in Milton
« on: November 29, 2016, 09:15:20 AM »
WE FOUND OPIE! We are on our way to the vet now, looks like he may have a broken leg. We cannot express how thankful we are for all of you helping and sharing this post, every single one of you is amazing! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ❤❤❤

Lost & Found Animals / Injured Dog in Milton ( Update-Found)
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:29:03 PM »
11/28/16 MISSING DOG (POSSIBLY INJURED): Opie in Milton

- LAST SEEN (DATE AND TOWN, COUNTY): 11/28 at 10am - he was hit by a car at the intersection of McMullen Road and the train tracks in Milton. He ran into the woods heading north.
-- NAME OF PET: Opie
-- AGE: 6
-- DESCRIPTION: All brown
-- CONTACT PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL: Jim Steller 802-343-3452

Current News & Events / Re: SCAM?
« on: September 04, 2015, 07:14:08 AM »
This scam has been going on for years and even the Attorney Generals office has done a report on it. Microsoft does not call anyone! I am glad you recognized it as a scam.

Current News & Events / Black Bear sighting on River Road!
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:43:59 AM »
I am posting this here to reach readers who may run or walk on River Road in Fairfax. This has nothing to do with a crime but is a warning that there has been a very large black bear spotted last evening around 5:30 pm and again this morning at 7:30 on River Road. First spotted in the road near the sharp curve at the fishing turn off and this morning going up the Fairfax Salvage/Auto driveway. Please be cautious.

Current News & Events / Re: Fresh Sweet Corn
« on: August 11, 2015, 01:31:08 PM »
A great quick and easy way to eat corn on the cob:

Keep corn in husk but cut long stem off if there is one,
place in microwave and heat on high for 4 minutes. Remove
Holding the tassel end with hot mat (corn will be very hot) cut thru the husk and cob about an inch above the stem end.
Slide the corn out of the husk and there you go, nicely cooked corn without the tassel mess.

I was skeptical when I saw this on face book but tried it and it works great! Enjoy :)

General Discussion / Re: Who do I call for dead animal removal?
« on: July 13, 2015, 08:04:38 AM »
Thank you Henry, Mark is home now and he took care of it. I turns out it was a ground hog, not someones cat.

General Discussion / Who do I call for dead animal removal?
« on: July 12, 2015, 06:45:46 PM »
There is a dead animal in front of the entrance to Fairfax Auto and I don't know who to call to have it removed.

Current News & Events / Re: That Was Another Henry Raymond
« on: June 25, 2015, 08:14:02 AM »
Must have been weird reading, thank you for clarifying Henry!

Boo Boo was missing for 24 hours or I would not have posted. He left on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 and they found him in the driveway the next day in the late afternoon.

General Discussion / Re: Fairfax House of Pizza
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:16:50 PM »
Best pizza in town for the money! Glad you are here, :)

Lost & Found Animals / Missing Male Black and White Pekingese~FOUND!
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:49:47 AM »
Male black and white Pekingese dog lost on Sweet Hollow Rd. yesterday at 2:00 pm. 2 yrs old, name is Boo Boo. He is not wearing a collar as they were giving him a bath when he bolted. He is a rescue dog and is very shy when approached suddenly. I am posting this for the owner who came by my house searching. Contact Deanna at 849-7099 if found.

"Boo Boo came up the driveway 2 hours ago" so he is home!

Current News & Events / Re: Recent BB Gun Vandalism
« on: March 13, 2015, 04:34:33 PM »
If the sheriff's dept. needs additional evidence of damage done they can come see all my windows and car that have BB gun shot holes.

Best pizza in town!

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