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Topics - Wormerod

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This is an ongoing problem, but by far the worst I have seen in my 15 years. Both soccer fields and the softball fields have been damaged.

This time it appears as if it is a vehicle.

The images are posted on the FFWL Facebook page. Please spread the word and help find the person or persons who did this.


Political Issues/Comments / Fiscal cliff
« on: December 31, 2012, 08:04:32 PM »
At midnight tonight when a series of automatic spending cuts and tax hikes take effect because of or federal elected officials inability to do their job; they will have sealed their fate with me.

I promise to each and every one of them that I will never again lend them my vote.  I don't care what party they below to.

In the real world, if you are unable or unwilling  to do your job; you get fired. Since our elected officials seem unwilling to do their job; which may involve a compromise,  I plan to fire them as my representatives.

I am but one vote , but I hope others will join in so we can be heard.

Oh and by the way, happy new year.

Link to the document identified in the title of this post.

Some good recommendations, not only in preparation for the coming storm, but for other events as well.


For those FaceBook users, you can find them listed as "Vermont Emergency Management" to receive updates.
You can also follow them on Twitter for up to the minute updates for Vermont at "@vemvt" or on the web at http://vem.vermont.gov/

The Town of Fairfax is currently requesting that BFA Fairfax be considered for inclusion in the Safe Routes to School Program. Letters of support from interested individuals or organizations are currently being solicited on the schools behalf. Letters of support will be filed with the official application to the Vermont Agency of Transportation.
For more information, please see below.

Community participation and support is encouraged for the Safe Routes to School Program, which Fairfax is applying for.
This program (SR2S) is federally funded, and integrates elements of transportation, economics, health, physical activity, environmental awareness and safety into one program. If Fairfax is selected, the program will provide support in the form of funding and services, to actively promote walking and bicycling by students and will identify and fund infrastructure projects to make this possible. The program will be closely integrated with other school-based health initiatives, and is guided by a task force representing a broad interest including the Vt. Dept. of Health, Education, Housing and Community Affairs, The Governor's Highway Safety Program,  American Heart Association, Vt. Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition, Vt. Forum on Sprawl, Regional Planning organizations, parents, schools, and is administered by the Vt. Agency of Transportation.
Fairfax is in a good position to be selected for this program, as many of the elements required for acceptance are in place, including support by the Selectboard and School Board, existing Wellness program in the school, studies indicating problematic infrastructure, and plans for improving infrastructure. One very important element is the support of the community. If you have an interest in participating, contact Colleen Steen, 849-6940, csteen@pshift.com

Here is a link to an informational pamphlet on the program.


Bill Ormerod

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