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Messages - Wormerod

Pages: [1] 2 3

Since the School and Town will be in different fiscal yeas after this year, does this mean that residents should expect to receive 2 separate tax bills? if that is the case, do you know when those two separate bills will be delivered to residents and when they will be due?

Thank you in advance,


Current News & Events / Re: Hilltop Energy Buying Group Members
« on: July 22, 2016, 06:19:02 AM »
Hey MK,

I typically get pricing from Hilltop in the Fall. I think this is mostly to see how many members they are going to have the what volumes that are looking at.

You can PM them via Facebook, and they usually respond within a few days.


BFA Sports Events / Re: 7/8 Grade Fall Soccer
« on: July 22, 2015, 06:12:27 AM »
From the BFA Fairfax Athletics Page:

There will be a HIGH SCHOOL Fall Sports meeting on Wednesday, August 12th for all HS participants in the HS gym at 5:30pm. All signups/paperwork can be picked up at this meeting.

There will be a MIDDLE SCHOOL Fall Sports meeting on Tuesday August 25th for all 7th and 8th grade participants. All signups/paperwork can be picked up at this meeting.

Start dates are as follows:
HS Football: Monday, August 10
HS Soccer, Cross Country Running: Thursday, August 13
MS Soccer, Cross Country Running: Wednesday, August 26

Please check the athletics website for information updates as we approach the school year. Reminder that ALL students must have proof of a physical performed within the past 2 years. Thank you and GO BULLETS!

General Discussion / Re: Recommend Insulation Contractor
« on: December 08, 2014, 03:03:03 PM »
I last used Bob Bugbee, Bugbee Insulation 864-4766.
In 2005, he and his crew did blown in cellulose in an attic and bat insulation in the walls of a 2 story 28'X28' addition and were in and out in about 4 hrs.

General Discussion / Re: Safety of Intersection 104A/104
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:30:56 AM »
The latest study of 104/104A was completed in 2005 and can be found on the Northwest Regional Planing Commission website or by using the link below to open the engineering study.
The PDF file is 97 pages in length, and contains a ton of data collected along the corridor.

General Discussion / Re: Getting rid of Suburban Propane
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:32:18 PM »
I signed up with Hilltop Energy Buyers group last fall, and even though liberty won the contract, the price through the buyers group was almost half of the pre-buy price liberty offered.

It costs $50 to join and any tank swaps are covered is part of the program. The more folks who join, the better the bargaining position of the group.

Here is a link to the website.


Good luck,

Bill Ormerod

Current News & Events / Re: The Lamoille River is rising
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:27:01 AM »
River Rd is now closed at Shepardson Hollow Rd due to flooding.

Reviews / Re: Kingston SSD (Solid State Drive) Kit
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:58:27 AM »

Do you use any encryption on you laptop or on the drive that you were cloning, and if you do how did the solid state drive take to the encryption?

 I have had issues in the past with some WD solid state drives using 128 bit encryption.

Thanks in advance,


General Discussion / Re: Fairfax/Fletcher soccer
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:09:52 AM »
Hi Christine.

There are teams for players as young as preschool, and as old as sixth grade. The season typically starts at the end of August/early September.

Signup is towards the end of the school year and is held at both Fairfax ,and Fletcher schools.

If you are on Facebook, like the "Fairfax Fletcher Soccer Club" page to keep up to date with club happenings and important reminders.

Hope this helps,


General Discussion / Re: Suburban Propane buys Inergy(owner of Pyrofax)
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:29:15 AM »
I just wanted to through this out there for those in the Fairfax area. This fall I joined Hilltop Energy Buyers Group in Jeffersonville. This is a coop that negotiates a bulk purchase of propane for it's members. I joined after I received my Ameriguard contract from Amerigas and saw that the price had once again risen much higher then the port price per gallon. ($2.89 for my 1500 gallons per year)

The fee to join the buyers group was $75 for the year. Amerigas won the service contract this year for the coop, and the price per gallon is over 86 cents cheaper  ($2.069/gallon when using over 900 gallons per year) from the initial contact offered by Amerigas when I was purchasing as an individual purchaser. I am on target to save over $1200 this year alone.

Before joining, I researched them with the Ag's office and reviewed feedback on the web for Hilltop Energy Buyers Group. They are the real deal, and so far I have had zero issues.
when joining the coop, if the vendor for the year is not your current vendor, then you receive a free tank swap and other benefits.

There is also a $50 referral award for getting new member to join.

I am not sure if you can still join for this year or not, but check them out on Facebook, and on the web. So far I can say that I have had an extremely pleasant experience With them.

Besides being a member, I have no other affiliation with with this buyers group.

Bill Ormerod

General Discussion / Re: Is 128 still total chaos?
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:33:55 AM »
yes, and it will be for at least 1 more month.  They are removing the clay that was used as the road subbase, and adding new material. They are also attempting to clear ledge along the side of the road to allow for adequate drainage and ditching.

General Discussion / Re: New Scam Alert
« on: July 23, 2013, 04:32:42 PM »
Answer the phone "State Police. This is Sgt so and so. How may I help you?"

You would be surprised how quiet the other end of the line is :)

Tickets can be purchased in advance from Bill Ormerod.

I can be reached at 802-309-8857 or wormerod@myfairpoint.net

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