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Messages - rogers9993

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Calcutta fundraiser
Saturday, June 4th
J & L Field

To benefit the Fairfax Fletcher Westford Little League Program

$120/Ticket – dinner for two & 1 Chance to win $3000!
Only 100 Tickets Sold!

•   5pm Happy Hour
•   6pm Dinner     
•   7pm Calcutta

Silent Auction Items, Raffle items, Giveaways!

Come on out for a great night of fun to support the kids of our community!!

Please contact Amylynnhavreluk@gmail.com for tickets or call 802-324-2998

Political Issues/Comments / Re: Reporting from Montpelier
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:58:49 AM »

I'm sure the billionaire NY hedge fund owners and millionaire senior executives who live in North Carolina appreciated your no vote on the Fairpoint resolution. However I'm not sure the the 25+ Fairfax residents affected by the strike who are fighting to prevent our good middle class  jobs from being moved out of state and overseas appreciate it. In the future I would hope you would stand with the people you are supposed to represent and not the out of state interests of billionaires.

 Thank You,

Chris Rogers

General Discussion / Re: Fairfax Town Water & Sewer
« on: March 03, 2014, 09:54:56 PM »
I believe the Town of Fairfax may have printed the names and account numbers of the water users and mailed it to all residents inadvertently in 2005. The document is called " Official Notice of Change of Appraisal Fairfax, VT". Your parcel id is also your acct number for your water if you are on town water. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also last time I knew there was about $7,000 owed by people who have not paid for water and sewer.  That is a huge amount!! I find it funny that some of the people in this town that are always talking trash about the water/sewer department, are either on the nonpayment hit list or have the same last name as someone on it.  Sometimes it is worth looking into things and making a phone call!!  Not just taking a pissed off user or user's family members word for it.


I am not sure where you are getting your information finacial's of the water department?  In my two year tenure on the board I have not once seen you at a select board meeting, nor have I ever seen a public records request with your name, requesting information.  It troubles me that you know the names of water users who have not paid their water bill.  When the the topic of water delinquencies come up the select board uses account numbers and not user's names.

I think you'd find that $7,000 in receivables for the number of accounts is not that much. I also find it interesting that you would know the last names of those who owe money as there are only 9 people in the town that would know that. I'm also aware that one of those people doesn't feel comfortable talking about other persons accounts. That would create a further problem. Utility companies are held to a different standard regarding the privacy of user accounts.


Current News & Events / Re: Trash pick up????
« on: February 06, 2014, 09:14:21 PM »

I think you're possibly on to something. If a Selectboard member was a past employee of Casella's would they have a motive to "get back" at Casella by not awarding them the contract and pushing Duffy's?


I don't think this Selectboard member is running again.

Current News & Events / Re: Trash pick up????
« on: February 06, 2014, 07:50:49 PM »
Duffy's will not respond to phone calls or messages left at their listed number from my experience. I've called 2 Selectboard members at home to try and get help in resolving the issues I've had with trash not being picked up. One said he did not vote for the change and did not agree with it. The 2nd Selectboard member had kind of a different take on the matter. He told me "it's not your God given right to have your trash picked up", "if it was my choice the town wouldn't be involved with trash pick up" and "I don't give a **** if there are 20 different trash haulers coming thru town". I will give him credit thou that after lecturing me about the trash he did give me the owner of Duffy's cell phone number. I will also give the owner credit for answering and then calling me back when we got cut off. Not that it resolved anything.

And my trash was picked up before I got home from work this week for the first time. 1 out of 6 weeks isn't too bad is it?

Current News & Events / Re: Garbage pick-up
« on: January 22, 2014, 06:54:55 PM »
FYI I just spoke with Joe from Duffy's. Anyone on Hunt St  will not be having trash picked up tonight.

Current News & Events / Re: Garbage pick-up
« on: January 17, 2014, 05:14:56 PM »
Good luck in getting someone at Duffys to pickup the phone or return a call. In my experience they aren't capable of doing either. We attempted go call them after the Wednesday pickup. Had to leave a message that still hasn't been returned. They took my garbage and recycling but other garbage or recycling fell off their truck on the other side of the street at the end of my road. It was still there this morning even thou we called them Thursday to come and get it.

They just picked up on Hunt St at 7:07.

Maybe when they said to have your trash out by 6 they meant PM. Still not picked up here.

Current News & Events / yard sale
« on: July 04, 2013, 08:33:13 AM »
Blarney Street, Fairfax, 8-?, Thurs/Fri. Two sales; one on Hunt one on Blarney. Antiques, stamps, toys, furniture, postal machine, Power Wheels, household items, clothing. Come for Community Day and stop by for a little shopping. Happy 4th!

I voted shortly after 7am and there was no one from the Mitchell campaign at the poll to answer questions. You did not get my vote because of this.


Don't apologize for not answering any questions. He certainly does not need to if he has not thought about these issues.

Thank you


I'm not questioning his record of service to Fairfax. It's outstanding. I'm trying to get answers about his stance on relevant political issues. As Suzy says "it should matter what candidates think about issues, and why wouldn't they want people to know? Is there a big secret or something?".

As far as your question about waiting so long it is because i googled his name last night and the PAC article in the Messanger came up. That got me thinking about who is backing some candidates and what they thought of different issues. I didn't realize the trouble it would be to get answers to questions I and I'm sure other voters have.

I apologize to you and your father for the trouble. I thought this forum would be a good way to get his message out to a large group of voters at one time. My mistake and again I apoligize

Thank you for your time.

Nice try? What does that mean?

I'm not being rude and would appreciate if you wouldn't either.

Why can't you respond to questions about your stance on specific issues so the voters can see them?


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