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Messages - Mummy

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I had my hardwood floors redone by a local guy - Tim Sampson - he did an Awesome job!  Reasonable price paid after the job was done.

They look pretty remorseful! 

I loved my trail camera ... caught my neighbors 53-year old teasing my dogs from the road.  Then he would call the Town and say my dogs were barking - never thought to post!

Peaceful and yet, something in this photo spells LOVE!

Current News & Events / Re: A Real Good Deed By A Couple Of Young Men
« on: June 20, 2013, 11:58:57 PM »
Now that's a truly nice story!

I think the message is:

It is what it is - value your future; the past in done!


Life is unfair and then you die!


Accept what is tossed your way and enjoy what you can!


It is because someone has the power to do what they did!  They win and you loose ... Have you picked the color of your College dorm yet?  Have to gone Dorm Shopping yet?  You know, move on ...

Will the Owner of the house  a.k. a the Mother be charged?

I find it hard to believe that this Mother did not know what was going on in her own home, unless she had been working towards getting her son some Help!   Troubled kids do come from good homes.

Don't know a lot on this topic but would you consider this to be a Crack House?  Can the house Explode due to the chemical/drugs or is this different from a Crack House?  Very happy that they discovered this - not sure how they know where to find this but it makes me feel better that they know where and how to find it!

Wow ...

At a loss for words! 

Anyone surprised?

Current News & Events / Re: Article 1 Passed With 22 Yes and 1 No
« on: March 27, 2013, 07:59:01 PM »
Life and death is not a time to cheap out!

Wasn't that nice of Mr Handy?

But you have to keep feeding it batteries, gather/erase data off the SD card when it fills up....and if they see it...they'll just steal the cam as well.

True you do need to replace batteries, when I was home I turned it off.  If they see the cam, they will steal it IF they make it past our Dogs, they could have the cam.  Never lost a cam but I did not use the flash feature which gives the location away.  With all of the modern technology available, I have hooked up cams from the window in the house to a computer which was less expensive than the Trail Cam.  I used the Trail Cam before the modern technology became so affordable. 

Good luck!

Hunters use Trail Cam's to watch deer - Hunter's Wife's use that same Trail Cam to watch the driveway activity when the Hunter is not using it!  You don't have to be a Hunter to own a Trail Cam with is only $100.

Current News & Events / Are you going to Church tomorrow?
« on: March 02, 2013, 09:34:44 PM »
Just wondering who will be in Church tomorrow?  Have you treated your neighbor with the same kindness as you would treat yourself?   Treat others the way you want to be treated!   Do unto others as you would have others do unto you! (Mathew:12) 

Just wonder who will be seated in the Front row in church tomorrow?

Some people Live in the Past ... Jews were a target minority at one time .... Irish people had a turn as well ...  if you go BACK in the past we all have had a turn!  I liked the FACT this couple CHOOSE to retire in Vermont!  I just want to know if it because some just like the "extra" attention?  What time in your life do you move forward?

General Discussion / Re: Angelina's in Cambridge
« on: December 31, 2012, 10:32:10 PM »
Awesome subs and pizza's - good eats!

Current News & Events / Re: "Important Meetings on the new Town Office"
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:54:54 PM »
Skippy, you are a smart person for asking on line!

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