Henry Raymond

General => Library Announcements => Topic started by: Rev. Elizabeth on November 19, 2017, 02:46:49 PM

Title: Unapproved Minutes: Trustees' Meeting, November 16 2017
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on November 19, 2017, 02:46:49 PM
Fairfax Community Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2017

The meeting was called to order by chair Pat Gallant.  Also present were Debbie Landauer, library director, Liz Griffin, Eric Foreman, Chris Fearon, and Janel Gamm.

The minutes from the October 26, 2017 Trustees meeting were read and approved.  Christine made the move to accept, and Janel seconded the move.

Eric reported that the checking account held $292.44 and the savings account has $2334.91.


Debbie gave out copies of the Unpaid Leave Policy which had been previously discussed, created, and voted upon, for Trustees to add to their binders.

Chris reported on the Vermont Trustees and Friends Conference which she attended in early November. She sent all the trustees a link that provides information about library trustee responsibilities.
She also passed out information about the Open Meeting Law, drawing attention specifically to concerns surrounding messages/decisions sent to an official group with ‘reply all.’ which apparently indicates a meeting.

She also brought information about VELISTEM for Nicole, the program director.

Eric stated that the final budget total submitted with the budget to the Town Clerk’s office is

Debbie and Liz interviewed Karin Hernandez for the Library Assistant job.  After much thought Karin decided to withdraw her application as she needs to be with her family in the evening, and the position requires two nights out. She will remain in her current position.

Debbie and Liz  will conduct two further interviews on November 21.

Lara Bessette’s last day as Library Assistant is December 8. The trustees will contribute $25 toward a gift for Lara.
Liz made a motion to do this, Janel seconded it and it passed unanimously.
There will be an exit interview with Lara shortly after her final day.

The Long Range Facilities Committee is regrouping and seeking new members.  They would like a year long commitment from anyone who joins.  Eric expressed an interest in participating. He will follow through by seeking more information.

Laura Keenan  is available to help libraries be sustainable and relevant to their communities. There is a listserv available, Library Trustees and Friends, that provides resources for those interested in this area.

On page 31 of the Library Trustees’ manual can be found information regarding how trustees can advocate for their library.

New Business

Pat will check to see which Trustees’ terms are expiring, and she will update the informational poster she has about being a library trustee. Pat will also find out when new candidates’ petitions would be due in the Town Clerk’s office and send information to the trustees via e-mail.  (Email discussions around this topic would be considered administrative work, and does not constitute a meeting.)

Debbie reported that she is working on the 2016 State Report that is due in February.  This is both a state and federal report.  She has almost completed the report and Pat will electronically sign the completed report.

Debbie indicated that the benefit days for floater days and sick days  in the Personnel Policy are different. The state requires that a year round employee has to work 18 hours to receive sick days, and the library policy states that for a year round employee to receive floater days they have to work 20 hours.  Debbie thinks this should be changed so that both benefits require 18 hour work weeks. Chris made a motion to align the benefit days to 18 hours of work a week, and it was passed.

Liz heard from the ALA in regard to the adopt a library program in Puerto Rico and as soon as more information is forthcoming she will share it with the trustees. 

Our next meeting date will be Thursday, January 11 at 6:30.

Executive Session
The trustees went into Executive Session at 7:35 to discuss Library Director evaluation.

Trustees came out of Executive Session at 8:35.   Pat will use the discussion notes from our discussion to write a written evaluation of the library director.  When this is complete, she and Liz will contact Deb for a meeting before mid-December to discuss her evaluation and set goals for the coming year. 

Respectfully submitted,
Liz Griffith