Henry Raymond

General => Library Announcements => Topic started by: Rev. Elizabeth on October 10, 2017, 09:52:06 AM

Title: Unapproved minutes: Oct 5 2017 FCL Trustees' Meeting
Post by: Rev. Elizabeth on October 10, 2017, 09:52:06 AM
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 by chair Pat Gallant. Present were: Debbie Landauer,  Liz Griffin, Janel Gamm, and Chris Fearon.
The minutes of the August 17 meeting were read and Chris made a motion to approve and they were accepted.
Eric, in absentia, delivered the financial data.  The balance in the checking account is $292.44 and in the savings account, $2334.52. Chris made a motion to approve, and the report was accepted.
Pat received a letter from Jeanette Blair, chair of the Vermont Library Committee thanking the trustees for allowing Debbie to help plan the Vermont Library Conference for 2018.
Debbie is Vice Chair of the Public Library section of the Vermont Library Association.


Chris attended the first information meeting about the upcoming bond issue that includes changes to the library as well as the rest of the school facility.

New Business

The Joint Board Meeting will be held Thursday, October 12.   Potential agenda items for this meeting were discussed.

A discussion ensued about whether or not to open the library on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend as it is closed the Thursday and Friday, of the Thanksgiving holiday, but in the past numerous years has open on Saturday but with low usage.  A concern was raised about creating precedents that would in the future preclude change.  It was mentioned that the library had very few patrons on the last 2 year’s Thanksgiving Saturdays.  A motion was made by Liz to close the library on 11/25, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  It was approved.
The public will be given ample notice of this change

A logistical issue arose with the delivery of informational signs ordered for the library.  In order to pay for them from the capital improvement monies allocated to the library, the signs should have arrived in the library before June 30.  This did not happen.
Joy paid the approximately $1000 bill out of her funds, and the Community Library will pay  for what Debbie and Joy decided were signs targeted to the public aspect of the library.  The FCL  share of the  bill of $327.25 will be paid out of the Community Library roll-over fund. A motion was made to use the rollover funds for this purpose and it was approved.

Liz suggested that we find a way to partner with a public library in Puerto Rico that needs help restoring its collection.  She will investigate this.

On November 4 there is a  Vermont Library Association/VTLIB Trustees and Friends conference  and Chris will attend.

After considerable discussion two dates were picked for discussion of the 2018 library budget.
The dates are: 10/17 and 10/26.

To discuss a personnel issue, at 7:35 the trustees  went into executive session on a motion made by Chris.  The trustees came out of executive session at 7:48.
Chris made a motion that Debbie create a draft of a policy addressing unpaid leave for the FCL staff, and have it available for the next meeting.  The motion was approved.

At 7:55  trustees went back into executive session to discuss staff evaluations ( with the exception of Debbie’s evaluation)
They came out of executive session at 8:10.
Liz made a motion to accept the evaluations of Lara, Nicole, and Karin.  They were approved.
The trustees thanked Debbie for the time and effort she invested in getting them. Debbie’s evaluation by the trustees will be done after the budget work is complete.

The meeting  was adjourned at 8:20.

Respectfully submitted

Rev Elizabeth Griffin, secretary.