Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: mirjo on October 14, 2009, 03:07:29 AM

Title: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 14, 2009, 03:07:29 AM
Yes, believe it or not we're coming up on our 25th Class Reunion. It seems like only yesterday we were partying all night in that field near that pond and I was driving the Toyota 4x4 home at sunrise. Yeah, that was back before Toyota gave their truck a name (Tundra is it?). And they only had one, a little one. But I digress...

We're trying to locate some people we haven't seen in these last 24yrs (those who don't live in town or in the state and aren't on Facebook!) So to any of you alumni out there if you happen to know someone from the class of 85 or if you know someone who knows someone who knows a member of that class hook them up with this web site and announce their arrival on the "meet and greet alumni" forum under the Class of 85 25th!

Let's get at that old-fashion social networking!!

THANKS to all who can and are willing to help!  :-)
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: Mike Raburn on October 15, 2009, 11:05:12 PM
Class of 85 here....but a little North.

Tell me where and when and I'll be there anyway.
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 16, 2009, 08:32:31 AM
I gather you don't know the where-abouts of any of my peeps and just lookin to crash a party?

We've never discriminated, so come on down!

Bring a dish (with something in it to share).

The only certainty at this point is July 23/24 2010, BYOB, and some $ contribution to cover the BBQ expense.

Bring the wife, kids, gram, gramp &  Fido, but PLEASE Mike, whatever you do, leave Cousin Lenny and that psychotic Pomeranian, Barkley at home, you remember what happened the last time...we've barely recovered from that mess!!!! ;-)
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: trussell on October 16, 2009, 08:56:49 AM
Lisa, how about class of '95.  Can we party with you old folk?
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: treebeard34 on October 16, 2009, 11:05:52 AM
I think i may be up for a little crashing myself. keep me updated on the where and when. will be back in VT sometime next year.
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 16, 2009, 03:03:44 PM
I don't know Trevor, I'm not sure you young'uns could keep up. What do you think Mark...class of '95 should he be allowed access? I'm pretty sure he'd never make it with '83, he talks about us being old, but  I'm guessing he's a light weight. ;-)

We'll let ya know 95 when 84 weighs in. He's a pal from back in the dark ages...
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: trussell on October 16, 2009, 03:37:28 PM
"dark ages"? Meaning big hair and black & white tv?
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: treebeard34 on October 16, 2009, 03:52:47 PM
I don't know were they Even born when I graduated, i still think i can keep up so let all come sure
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: Mike Raburn on October 16, 2009, 08:09:31 PM
I gather you don't know the where-abouts of any of my peeps and just lookin to crash a party?

We've never discriminated, so come on down!

Bring a dish (with something in it to share).

The only certainty at this point is July 23/24 2010, BYOB, and some $ contribution to cover the BBQ expense.

Bring the wife, kids, gram, gramp &  Fido, but PLEASE Mike, whatever you do, leave Cousin Lenny and that psychotic Pomeranian, Barkley at home, you remember what happened the last time...we've barely recovered from that mess!!!! ;-)

You lost me there mirjo....
Did I have fun?
Sorta sounds like I did.
Pomeranian's are known party hounds.

This time I'll bring my cousin Eddy and a psychotic Iranian.
Eddy has an RV, can we park it near a sewer?

Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: trussell on October 17, 2009, 08:39:23 AM
Mike, I don't think you should bring your cousin Eddy- We already have Special Ed in these parts! ;)
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 18, 2009, 12:08:17 AM
I'm not sure about those cousins of yours there Mike, there seems to be a chemical imbalance in that section of the family gene pool!

You might want to leave the cousins up north with the psycho Iranian and Pomeranian while you come down here. I hate to discriminate, but I have kids to think about! :-(

I suppose you could put 'em all in that RV of Ed's and buy Palin's memoir to read while you're away. That should keep them entertained! (I'm sorry, I had to throw in a Sarah Palin comment, she refuses to go away) :P
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 18, 2009, 12:19:17 AM
"dark ages"? Meaning big hair and black & white tv?

Big hair, yes big ass rock and roll hair. Black and white tv??? What have you been watching?? The 80's had color tv, vcr's, microwave ovens, cordless phones...they may have been the size of a brick, but they existed! Hardly the dark ages, more like the "coming of ages!"  :D

Mark, do you by any chance know where any of my former classmates are (other than those who are on facebook)?
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: treebeard34 on October 20, 2009, 11:46:30 AM
Only people I routinly talk to are David Ide, and Roger Bessette sorry. would love to Hear from Todd Ronson though
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 20, 2009, 06:42:16 PM
If you have e-mail address for either of them or can get them, send me a message on facebook with the info ASAP. Would greatly appeciate it!!!
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: Suzy on October 21, 2009, 12:03:38 PM

David Ide is on FB...look through my friends list, or Drew's.  Todd Ronson is in Barre, VT, I think.  I'm sure you could get Roger's contact information from his siser, Lynda, who is also on Facebook.  (again, see  my friends list)  Drew can pass information on to Kevin, who lives right next door to him.  (There are a lot of your classmates on Facebook!)

Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 21, 2009, 11:01:30 PM
Thanks Sooz, already got info from Drew and contact info on Todd think he's in Washington vt now (little further south of Barre) Just waiting on david to get back to me via facebook and I think Cathy has Roger's contact info. So far as I know we're doing pretty well  at this point, except for a few obscure people that no one seems to have heard from in years. If not for Facebook it would have been much more difficult! :-)
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: Mike Raburn on October 23, 2009, 02:03:58 AM

You HAD to bring up Palin...................you JUST had to.

Well, at least she helped pay my mortgage for about a year.
But THAT is ALL the good she did.

And by the way...... I am bringing cousin Eddy and the Iranian.
Get some drinks into them two and you HAVE a party.

This would be like geo political for the kids. They could write and essay on what they experienced during summer break!
Two, maybe three, cultures co exiting. BRILLIANT!
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 23, 2009, 04:18:24 AM
Hell, Mike. I can see Canada from my back yard (sorta). Some of that beer they have acoss the border is probably as potent as any vodka the Russians toss over the fence to you guys. THAT'll wind up ole Ed  and that Iranian--make sure you have passports or an enhanced license that will allow you back into the US however, the border crossings down here are pretty strict about that now. It would probably be especially tough on th Iranian--even though racial profiling is "wrong," we all know it happens. But I digress.

As for Palin: I admire her marketing cojones for keeping herself in the public light; however I have no respect for the woman once she opens her mouth. That she seems to have some kind of fan base is frightening--are they relatives of cousin Ed? :P
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: mirjo on October 27, 2009, 02:12:03 PM
Just putting it back out there for members of Class of 85.
Title: Re: Shout Out To Class of '85 (or anyone who knows where some are)
Post by: Mike Raburn on October 31, 2009, 03:09:24 AM
BUMP this here thread......word.