Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: kpplus2 on June 03, 2014, 06:34:49 PM

Title: Town award question
Post by: kpplus2 on June 03, 2014, 06:34:49 PM
Does anyone know if their is a town award program? What I'm looking for is an award that could be presented to people that do so much for our youth, town, local events etc.  Their are so many people that do a ton for our town, is their some system in place to recognize folks?  Any help would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Town award question
Post by: David Shea on June 03, 2014, 10:21:02 PM
During my two year tenure on the Select board we never approved an award as you described.  To my knowledge there is not any language in place to handle this type of program.  My suggestion would be to write a sample protocol and ask to be put on the agenda for the next board meeting to discuss the option.  In my opinion this sort of responsibility would be left best in the hands of a committee vs under the jurisdiction of the select board. 
Title: Re: Town award question
Post by: kpplus2 on June 04, 2014, 06:29:25 AM
Thanks Dave I will chase it a bit more. We so often complain about this subject or that but when you look around there are a lot of people that do great things for this town and its people. It would be nice to have a formal way of recognizing them. Let me do some digging and if anyone has any suggestions let me know.
Title: Re: Town award question
Post by: trussell on June 04, 2014, 02:17:28 PM
I think the closest thing we have is the dedication of the annual town report.  But I would definitely support an award!
Title: Re: Town award question
Post by: kpplus2 on June 04, 2014, 04:40:14 PM
I talked to another town official today about this and here is how it works with them. A person fills out a nomination form held at the town office.  The form has the persons achievements, why they are being submitted, and dates of service. The form then goes to the following select board meeting for a review and approval, disapproval, or sent back for more information. After approval the town orders the award (would have to design one). These are not a lot of money. Then when the award comes in, the person who made the nomination gets contacted to pick up the award and its up to them how they present it. So things that would have to be worked out are the design of the award and guidelines for submissions. Like only non paid volunteers can be submitted, have to be a resident , etc. or whatever fits.
Thoughts, questions, concerns?