Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Political Issues/Comments => Topic started by: Chris Santee on February 02, 2013, 03:48:36 PM

Title: An Interesting Bill
Post by: Chris Santee on February 02, 2013, 03:48:36 PM
Should Vermont teachers be forced to pay 85% of the union dues,
if they don't want to be affiliated with the union ?
Title: Re: An Interesting Bill
Post by: nhibbard on February 03, 2013, 07:16:00 AM
No. everyone should have the right to work if they are qualified. No one should be forced to pay anything to a union.
Title: Re: An Interesting Bill
Post by: Thor on February 03, 2013, 07:09:54 PM
Absolutely concur.
Title: Re: An Interesting Bill
Post by: Mike ODay on February 04, 2013, 10:21:02 AM
This dialogue is fascinating. The Walmart in St. Albans is breaking ground and Walmart will use its tried and true formula to hire employees part time and make them eligible for welfare and food stamps, benefits that the working stiffs will have to subsidize through our taxes. On the flip side the far right will say 'they don't have to work there if it pays so little' on the other hand the unemployment rate is over 10% in Franklin county and again the far right will say, 'get those lazy slugs off unemployment and welfare'. Real wages have declined at the same rate as the decline of labor unions. Card check is the foundation of union organizing; the employees vote on whether to organize, not outsiders. Should they vote to authorize a union to negotiate fair wages and benefits for them, that is their right. Should they vote to authorize a closed shop where all workers contribute to the cost of bargaining a contract, maintaining the contract through the grievance process that is also their right, not yours.
Just as a worker can choose to work for nothing at Walmart,  workers have the choice to work in a union shop or not.
What few people understand is that the cost of negotiating large contracts can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Union dues pay for that. Arbitration can cost $30,000 or more, freeloaders do not contribute to that, yet current labor law MANDATES that unions represent non-payers in bargaining and the grievance process. Unless you separate representation from non-payment, the argument for 'right to work' holds no water. Can you get free gas at the pump because the guy ahead of you paid for his?
Title: Re: An Interesting Bill
Post by: Stand Alone Defense on February 04, 2013, 12:24:16 PM
No one that is paid with Tax Dollars should be able to Unionize.  END OF STORY!!

Title: Re: An Interesting Bill
Post by: nhibbard on February 04, 2013, 09:54:32 PM
if unions did so well, why were here so many problems long term with airline and auto businesses. Unionx can look good short term, but why should something be guaranteed if performance doesn't match. Would there be innovation if unions are the default. I believe in fair wages for fair work. I don't believe in fair wages for any work. I also believe in sustainable models where workers and management are equal. Not where management and the union are. I should be able to represent myself on equal footing to another employee on merit. Not have a group that represent everyone giving benefit to those who do and don't deserve recognition. Non union members deserve the positive benefits of the union because the are exerting an unfair benefit in negotiations. You wouldn't be happy if all the gas stations negotiated what was in their best interest. It's not the same thing but it is the same concept. People should be protected, and that includes those who want to represent their own best interests.
Title: Re: An Interesting Bill
Post by: rod anode on February 05, 2013, 04:37:25 AM
you guys are doing pretty good,maybe i wont have to move to new zealand